Wednesday, March 5, 2008


This a primer to my original post that has been temporarily removed until I can revise it. 
It just helps to explain where I'm comming from. 

We all know biological life on this planet is made of cells. These cells are like factories, their own functional system, with a nucleus for a control center. Much like our understanding of our bodies, each part has specific functions, all controlled by the brain. Well within these molecules are DNA, blueprints for biological structure. We know that this attributes for look and function of biological life, but it doesn't really explain personality, something seperate from the reactive, instinctual surivival commands already built in your brain. There's not much use going into the details of that since mainstream science will tell you they still don't know all the answers about how DNA and your brain works. So lets ignore that for now. Lets go smaller.

Your cells are made up of molecules, a product or result of blended atoms. Adding or subtracting one atom from the mixture changes the whole effect of the molecule. And just like molecules are made of many different atoms, atoms are also made of different particles. You have your neutrons, electrons and protons, which if they were to interact with another atom, would change the atoms just as mixing atoms in a molecule would change the molecule. In quantum physics they study the nature of atoms and scientists are constantly finding new sub-atomic particles. You see where this is going? Well I guess they figure these sub-atomic particles make up the electrons and protons and such. The way they figure molecules, atoms, and particles blend and interact like this is due to the 4 universal forces they have theorised. You got gravity, the electro-magnetic force, the strong nuclear and weak nuclear. So assuming you have these 4 forces interacting inside particles, inside atoms, which make up everything in our universe. Its safe to assume that by what they're telling us, everything is affected by gravity, electro-magnetism, weak nuclear (atom degredation, the force that allows things to decay), and strong nuclear (holds things together). So basically, electricity, gravity, magnetism, radiation and all that crazy stuff has an effect on all of us. To me, this starts to make sense when all these psychics tell me the universe is made of energy and vibration. There's energy in everything, and it vibrates at a certain frequency. So now, I basically don't find it a stretch believeing that at our core, we are made of energy. But what kind of energy?

This is a diagram of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Our eyes pick up energy, but only in certain frequencies. Visible energy in the form of colour is determined by its wavelength. Anything lower we can't see, and anything higher we can't see either. That is just the limitation to our biology, but we can use technology to view such other frequencies. (infra-red can be seen with Night Vision cameras for example.)

So think about how you view reality and what the universe 'looks like', because there are things that are there, even if we don't see them. If our eyes could see all frequencies of energy, the world would probably look like a jumbled mess to us.

MY MEDITATION GUIDE - (for begginners)


note: This another messageboard post. I decided to keep it because I put a lot of energy into it and I thought it could be useful in the future if anyone needed it. This is my guide to meditation.. for the new meditator that is. I think it covers a lot of the confusion surrounding it. But meditation is different for everyone of course. This is just general I think.

When meditating, get comfortable, breathe..through your nose...count to 4... exhale, count to 4 then inhale again.. this isnt that important and I STILL screw it up all the time, but it gets you relaxed. Focus on NOTHING..nothing but the breath, and the counts. If by the way you have trouble sleeping.. I find that breathing at this moderate pace, while counting, puts me out every time. Another bonus. Don't concentrate on falling asleep either, just reeeelaxx...sink into the bed, breatheing moderately and heavily through the nose, counting each step. It also helps to decrease how much air you take in gradually, dont force this, this should come naturally, and eventually your pulse will slow too and before you know it you're out like a light.

When meditating though its good to try and keep the breaths heavy, it helps keep you awake. The state you are going for is your body being relaxed and paralysed like you are asleep, but your mind is awake and pure.

So just relax and breathe for the time being, do that, while counting, as long as it takes for your over-active brain to settle down. Its really hard at first I know. Your body has to be comfortable, as well as your mind.. but the mind has to also stay alert so that you don't fall asleep.. A good sign of this is, thoughts you think it should during meditation, but its like.. theres no thoughts there at all, and its like a few second lapse in time and concentration and maybe even nonsense images or words will come to mind. Thats how you know you're falling asleep. When I know thats happening I make sure to make the breathes heavier incase they slowed too much, and I might crack the eyes open a bit to take in light.

NOTE:.. When your eyes are closed, your brain creates a drug to put you to sleep. The way around this for meditating.. Its simple. Meditate with your light on, but your eyes closed. The stronger the light, the better of course, the reason being is that even though your eyes are closed, light penetrates the eyelids and so your brain doesnt think its time to sleep.

OK so your sitting, lieing down, whatever, just be relaxed. sitting is optimal but if you can't, then lie down. The whole idea of the sitting is that you stay awake for one... that your spine is straight and energy can flow freely through your body unblocked.. and usually the hands or arms are rested on the legs, which are crossed. Essentially this is circulating your energy by keeping your limbs in contact in some way. You'll notice the difference. I lie down personally, but I kinda fold my legs like a comfortable as I can.. discomfort will constantly screw up your meditation, so get really comfortable, but again not so much as you'd fall asleep. Like lie on your bed, the floor if its not rock hard.. and even give yourself a pillow, why not. But yeah.. I lie down, fold my legs, and you notice a big difference in feeling when you dont fold them.. I relax my arms.. I used to clench my fists because it was most comfortable for me, but now I let my hands be open, resting on my bed, with the tip of my index finger touching the tips of my thumbs on the same hand... I find this peaceful, so I do it. With your hands open, fingers free... you can really feel your energy flowing more. It will feel like blood or water in your fingers but it will be tingling you know?

I also try to make contact with the roof of my mouth and my tongue. The taosist..qi-gong guys do this to connect their energy and I must say the first time I did this I felt something. It feels like it does connect something. It connects your conceptive vessel to your governing or something... front energy to your back.. I just know I feel relaxed like energy flows better this way.
Anyways... so now thats HALF the battle. Getting all comfortable, and peaceful... relaxed breathing, relaxed body..

First, I'd say.. throw out all pre-conceptions of what meditation is like because everyone's is different. Don't go into it expecting anything, just go with it. But its good that before you start, you set a goal, like something you want to figure out if you reach deep meditative a problem. I used to do that, but I feel I don't have any problems that need to be basically, yesterday my meditation goal was...reach a deeper state of meditation/concentration.. reach a higher frequency, and try to sustain it, and understand it, and let it transform me.

Ok so anyway... relaxed, breathing moderately, through your nose.

Ok.. so eliminating distracting thoughts... I'm not plagued by these so much anymore but I used to be for sure. I did what this book told me and it worked. I used to close my eyes and do it for 15 minutes every day. If you can't ignore a thought... if you can't basically tell it... you're of no use to me right now, go away.. then try to cancel it out like. It sounds negative.. but.. it worked for me. Like say you got a food craving.. think about how disgusting the process of eating and digestion really is.. killing a filthy animal and putting its filthy body in your mouth just to stay alive. Ha. You know when you see something disturbing and you're like AHH i dont wanna think about it. Yeah, well that works.

So that should get the big distractions out of the way.. Now of course your mind is going to have little pointless BS thoughts about random stuff that just pop up constantly. This is something the meditator must over-come. Concentrating on your breath should keep you a little focussed and make these thoughts slow down in the frequency in which they appear.

Theres another thing I was tought which helps you get pretty focussed right away: Count down from 10 to 0.. see the numbers in your head, when you get to 7 picture it being a red 7...and then orange 6, yellow 5, green 4, blue 3, violet 2, white 1, 0 nothing.. It requires more concentration then you'd think. I do this 2 or 3 times in a row and I notice my attention begins to sharpen.

Next you can listen to sounds, pick each sound out individually, listen to is frequency, try to anaylse where its comming from etc. I find that doing this you'll notice like 10 sounds you didn't know were there. For some reason.. this has the tendency to put me to sleep. You can also analyse what your body feels, like the texture of your clothes of course you'd be feeling yet un-aware of since it's constantly touching your skin.. maybe feel what your hands are rested on too.

Feel the blood squirt in and out of your heart, feeling the thumps.

Little stuff like this should get your mind PRIMED. This is the alpha state, or like access meditation. Its like the point where your mind finally settles in and says lets do this..

Then... its simple... you focus on an object. Create it visually in your mind, focus on its attributes. It can be whatever you want. The whole point is to sharpen your concentration..taking you further into meditation, and altering your state of mind.. By focusing on one object in your mind, distracting pointless thoughts will fade over-time, until all you're thinking about is the object, and then depending on the person.. after an amount of time, you can abandone the object and think about NOTHING... just be in the moment. Usually around here you'll notice you don't feel your body unless you choose to acknowledge it. Maybe your head will feel like its swimming, and its like you don't think, you just FEEL with your mind. You just ARE.

At any point in the meditation, the beginning..or like 3 hours in like some people, you can do like excercises or something, solve your problem you know? Pose a thought and see what our mind produces from it.

You know, its your meditation, do what you want with it. But this should help you concentrate and get into it.

MUSIC.. ok.. I find dead silence to be boring and thus starting meditation can be tough... when your far enough in, you won't care I don't think. I put the music on so I can hear it, but I don't blast my ear drums so I can't think. I make it loud enough to acknowledge but not loud enough to disturb my thoughts. You might not meditate long at first.. I usually try for 45 minutes every day but once in a while I'll go for about 2 and half to 3 hours. And trust me.. right around the hour mark or however long it takes you to get really focussed.. when some strange sounds come into your awareness, its a great experience, it creates all sorts of interesting thoughts and you really feel the music, you become it, you match your frequency to its frequency. Its wonderful.

OK well i don't know how I had problems pasting that. It kept repeating. Frustrating, well its done, I think..

When meditating: I personally. I put on the radio station DRONE ZONE from SomaFM...GOOGLE IT... on winamp. It sounds nice.. spacey ambient music.

OK so again, this is how "I" meditate. Maybe it can help anyone whos new to meditation. Its confusing at first. I had no idea what to expect, and I must say... don't expect nothing. Whatever someone tells you, your meditation will differ, so don't stress yourself if your meditation isn't like theres. Everyone is unique.

Ok well have an enlightening meditation.


note: A recent string of thoughts that came from describing a dream interpretation. This section talks about conciousness outside the body as well. Another Messageboard post.

I had a though this morning, that how interesting it is that people feel a need to hold onto their general consensus of reality. I usually get these thoughts when waking up, comming out of dreams. And I must say..

This physical reality is the weirdest damn thing when you think of it. Little google-eyed humanoid bags of fluid moving around doing random tasks, in a strange colourful world.

Its damn strange man!

I remember as a kid.. for some reason one thing seemed to really chime in my head... that everything is a really really strange illusion. I always thought as a kid that it could all be some test or dream world or something. I guess even back then, I never really felt like I was completely attached to reality, like it was the end all.

Anyways, this "phyiscal" world is too strange to be just that. It can't be random and chaotic, everything is planned.. extremely well. EVERYTHING...flows, like liquid, or a gas.

This morning I woke up from a curious dream.. I was getting ready to have a band practise with people I've never seen before, I was also a different person... an alternate reality, future life / parallel life, or just spirits who i meet on a common realm, and as well..since we arent confined to one life/body/appearance, I chose a different one for the time being. I think that would all add up, except I think my mom was there, and I was in a house representive of our own, even though it was different. The people were also in a car.. as in it had tires.. but it was big and different.. and I had 2 guitars with me.. both fender stratocasters (crappy!).. I was just trying to compare things that were normal to my waking physical reality.

So anyways, I was just wondering the possibilities, I love to analyse my dreams. And I was actually kinda annoyed that my alarm clock woke me up, I wanted to go back to sleep and jam with those guys.

I think we need to constantly question reality.. like every day when you wake up and still have memories of dreams in your head, and you see the new 'physical' world around you, every time you should be thinking "what the hell is this?" Ha.

I'd love to be able to recall a whole nights sleep. All i have is missing time and dreams (if I meditate I recall parts of them, mostly the end). But I remember even reading somewhere that the general mainstream science idea is that we dont start dreaming until several hours into sleep, i obviously think this is B.S. but it raises an interesting though. I want to know what happens during the whole process of sleep. I imagine it would require a level of mastery, perhaps the frequencies are so different that our physical brain has a hard time decoding them and so we have the illusion of lost time, when really the memories are there...but again, its like teaching calculus to a baby. (but in death.. or the discarnate realms, we are able to understand these frequencies better, either through awareness or not relying on a physical body.. but you know what scratch that.. someone said human body is perfect, and I agree. I see that it can be programmed and after-all its just a thought anyway.. so its as good as we make it. A human body that can morph through walls and breathe fire is just the same as ours.. it depends who's in control.)

I'm not sure what the brain really even does for that matter, besides organise our thoughts to drive this thing! They say muscles move the body.. by electrical impulses from the nervous system from the brain I guess. I think this is kinda funny when you look at what the brain is.. a pile of cholesterol and water... So either... a brain is a source of like unlimited FREE energy waiting to be tapped hahaha.. our brain has enough electricity apparently to move a body around for 100 years and here we are using silly fossil fuels.... or the alternative theory.. that the brain doesnt produce any kind of electricity..and rather is just directs it.. isn't this what we already believe in science? neural-pathways and stuff? But they still don't know what the electricity is or where it comes from. It's conciousness man! Its energy, why else would meditation/awareness increase your focus/intelligence/memory and all that? We make new pathways to make this possible, the energy flows more efficiently. Its like our brain is a blank computer and our conciousess programs it. Our awareness = our skills as brain software programmer. - science HAS showed us that meditation does do these things. A university studied my freind and all her pathways were different then the norm.

Anyways.. i was ranting about dreams wasn't I?

Man... reality, whatever you wanna call it,.. I don't know.. I feel like.. my life is so stress free and everything is just humorous to me because I am aware of whats going on, and i'm just focussed on my goals, and I just kinda smile when I think of the madness of the world, and how I feel like I live outside of.. well thats not what I mean, what I really mean is i see everything as some complex/mathematical/beautiful imagination, that I just happen to be experiencing. Like man.. I talked to this 9/11 truth movement guy today at work, he was giving out flyers, and I was thinking.. I used to think about how I wanted to bring down the government, and fight and now I just feel I do an equally effective, if not better job by just putting positive vibes out there? You know? thats what I feel matters most to me right now. Trying to resonate positive vibes, if everyone would do that, all problems would fix themselves, and problems wouldn't occur. Its a chain-link reaction and the result is PURE LOVE, PURE PRODUCTIVITY... but the powers that be, they know this, and they've been actively doing the opposite..

I remember watching Ben Hur not too long ago and I laughed because some guy was trying rationalise imprisonment of his freind and freinds family just as an example, so that he would be a great leader, becase he would be feared. I just thought that was hilarious. And i know that this mentality still goes on.

Man, reality is damn crazy... I'm just trying to get through, and accomplish my goals because I know somehow energy flows that way, and I get somewhat pleased from productivity, so i persue it. Along the way I try to positively affect others, because I feel like we're part of the same joke and so I feel a commonality to every person, like I know everyone well in that respect. To sum it I feel I'm experimenting. My life is a lab rat and the scientist. I'm trying to say I don't take much too seriously..yet I want things to work at maximum effienciency, you could say... my actions indicate love, and I want the whole world to love. I just dont stress myself over the trials anymore like I used to. And I am confident in the natural positive unfoldment mankind is going through.

Alright, that was a huge rant. Writing them down helps me understand my thoughts. By all means, anyone read and comment.

I had another thought (as by crown burns).. If its all a wierd illusion.. I was trying to think why we keep comming back to this one... like you wake up and you're still in the same reality you know? But I guess that can never be true, even if it appears that way. I dont think dreams vs waking life is going back and forth from point A to B, then back to A... more like A to eternity and back to A... OR... eternity to eternity, and that we are charting endless existence, every jump in reality we make.

Hmm I need to stir on this one for a bit... if its all an illusion,, why do we keep comming back to the same place and time when we wake up? Or is that not the case as I've already speculated. Perhaps its the lower dimension limitations. Its hard to voice my thoughts on this because its like.. I feel this is like a multi-dimensional thought in my head that exists in endless layers. This frequency is confining and perhaps its just that... and thats why we cant jump around like when we dream, that it is infact an illusion still.. but at this current point it is confined to one reality, that being our own cosmic perception/awareness... and that we can infact.. (in the waking world, however you wanna describe it.. there is no waking world, this is just the 4th frequency, and dreams are another all together, its just that, and the 4th is a physical frequency, thats the illusion. And anyways its our perception that causes us to rise in frequency.. and we gradually transition out of these past frequencies.. like it might still appear like the reality we are in but all of a sudden..WOW..when you wake up this time.. you decided to change yourself into a gorilla.. and thats the point where you realise there is solid place or time.

I think I understand clearer now.. another layer is peeled so to speak. If you wanna stop waking up in your bed in the 4th frequency, you need to broaden your perception/awareness.. and then you will soar through eternity, much like how you feel when you have lucid dreams.. or conciousness of the frequency you're in.

If I was to raise my awareness RIGHT NOW.. like.. lets say by A LOT.. just in one second.. I can move from this computer chair and into the endless possibilities of my imagination.

This place is starting to feel like a prison.. a prisoner in my own mind.. I must discover the truth to escape.

Physical world. HA! I dont know what that is, all I see is imagination, endless possibilities.. endless variables being tested, one band of frequency of countless. When we sleep our conciousness abandones the physical, and in effect abandoning this band of frequency.. we wake up in this band because that is the PHYSICAL other words, that is the one we are currently experiencing, that is, until we step up a grade.

But then why is that while we dream we somehow get all the secrets back? Or is it that we don't, and we just go to a frequency of creativity..not necessarily greater awareness, just say.. its an art class... where we can meet people from all over the universe, and create and learn together..

Its stange how we jump back and forth like this though.. based on limitations of the physical body.. or rather, the experience of the physical body... i'm sure with enough tuning (into self).. you wouldnt need to sleep.. Infact... given the illusive limitations of the physical reality, or grade.. or level of perception lets say... perhaps we dream as a break? you know? it helps expand our perception and move out of that frequency..that must be why things were created to need sleep, just for the opportunity to learn elsewhere for a while.. (a while being a time perspective in the phyiscal reality, as in dreams.. we can travel anywhere - anytime - any anything


"The light that shines binds the light of the cosmos" - Menguard.

This is another message board post, of my interpretation of his statement, after meditating this is the conclusion I've arrived at. No doubt it will change in the future, as the post below would illustrate.,

light = knowledge = entirety of spirit = eternity

We are fragments of light.. fragments of spirit.. we shine (resonate) ourselves upon each other, the more we resonate..the stronger the connection with spirit, and the stronger the bond we make with each other (each other being other fragments of spirit).. I was trying to think why spirit strives to learn the nature of its being, its origins, purpose etc...Spirit is boundless and ever-expansive. The closer we take the truth, the closer we get to pure spirit..which I think just may be infinitely pure and simplified.. just as it moves out and gets infinitely complicated.. By raising our connection with spirit, we push its borders of simplified purity, we move it forward, in perception.. (this is still something I'm working with, I meditated on it and I think its best if I try writing it). By strengthening our connection with spirit, everything..we act as a generator..amplifying spirit in its entirety. Spirit is boundless, it must expand, and that is what we are doing, expanding it. Its like... PURE trying to fill a box.. but to do that it disperses fragments of itself, complicated spirit/light..which will then eventually become purer spirit.. its like spirit in its nature... is to expand, and be more then it is, trying to fill a box that cannot be filled, for it is eternity. Spirit is so vast it seems incalculable. But it is it never really expanded in the first place.. but rather maybe the expansion is a perception, into understanding how it came to be. In that respect.. I think maybe the illusion will dissapear the closer we get to pure spirit...which may be impossible, for it must exist in a state of infinte purity/simplication and infinite complication. I don't know what else to really say in that respect except spirit just "IS"..

We branch off, connecting to one another..helping each other grow as we grow..purify as we purify.. strengthening our bonds.... thus.. resonating purity..spirit... or spirit that resonates, binds spirit. To end resonation.. or to be without vibration is to not BE.. for it is complete and total seperation of spirit and so it does not exist. Exist = to be part of spirit.

white light = pure concentrated spirit, when we see things in colour, we are experiences the different frequencies of spirit, by pulling them apart and understanding them. Its like a prism.. how white light goes in and disperses outwards as different colours. You could say..the prism represents perception? I'm still going over it in my head but i'm starting to see the truth in the prism.

In essence, pure white light, pure spirit, goes through the archetictual prism our of mind as means to disperse it, to examine it. As well.. the prism disperses all other frequencies of spirit, not just colour of course.

Spirit distributed by prism..triangles = the most simplified shape..3 dimensions.. so maybe 3 dimensional space... is infact spirit distributed like a prism... i dunno, you know what i'm getting at.. these thoughts are still brewing, they are not yet mature..

it comes down to sacred geometry.. Spirit distributed by a PRECISE pattern. Perhaps to understand spirit.. is to backtrack everything we experience through sacred geometry and see where it leads us...back to spirit.

Since spirit is all, and the opposite is nothingness, .. It long as we live.. as long as we are a part of spirit..wherever we are in time/space and seems... we will ultimately try and progressively move closer to spirit.. is this why productivity, light seems like THE WAY? Do we only move forward, but at any time we can shoot back and move forward again?

We are parts of SPIRIT... and we actively strengthen our connection with spirit, to move the other way would be to fade into a void..would it not? we'd resonate less and less and less until we don't resonate at all "nothingness".. but is it even possible to make it that far? Plunged into complete darkness? Things can be dissolved back into spirit.. back into existance.. I'm just going over in my head what the anti-spirit would be like..but spirit is everything! anti-spirit would have no characteristics, no perception because it is NOTHING.. it is devoid of perception, and it is nothing to percieve.

SPIRIT is all, and ........none is just none ?

The mere fact that we exist.. seems like we could never by any means un-exist.. i always believed this.. but now i'm starting to understand it more... and in that respect... we could percieve spirit on infinite levels...complicated or purified and perhaps we can travel the road to see how complicated we can get.. or like the path most of us are on now.. to see how purified and simple we can get. And I'm trying to think of the meaning of it all.. and I realise.. the mere fact that I am here learning, talking to anyone at all.. is moving spirit forward, like you know what I mean? The other direction would be to sever all communication from people, and disregard all knowledge..all spirit and be consumed by complication. You could look at 3/4th dimensional physics as an example of complications of spirit, for as we move closer to spirit, those physics seem to fade.

Right now, by my actions I am moving forward..towards pure spirit... action in itself is to move forward.. to move backwords would be to un-act? How do you traverse a seemingly one-way road backwards? FEAR / IGNORANCE I assume..

As it stands, this bit of spirit i'm being fed is complicated . It hasn't yet had a chance to move much closer to purity.. these are random thoughts.. random messages of spirit, which have entered my perception, and that I am rambling about... OR.... rather.. its my way of shining.. I am sharing information, sharing knowledge, distrubiting spirit or something like that.

To learn is to acquire knowledge, and knowledge is light, and light is a perception of spirit.. so as long as I or anyone, or any other piece of fragment learns.. we will move closer to purified spirit. And if we are spirit learning. we are spirit percieving itself.. we are spirit in motion. So in that respect.. spirit is frequency.. it is vibration.. To be without vibration/movement is it not exist, not exist of spirit.

SPIRIT = everything.. everything being the entirety of spirit, the entirety of itself.

And spirit = motion = life... If it moves, it is spirit!

But what is movement? I think movement.. simplified... movement is the means to gather information.. learning.. umm... MOVEMENT = SPIRIT.. its one in the same man..

When you go for a walk, your going for a spirit, haha.. well you are in fact percieving spirit as you do. To navigate our reality is to navigate the connection to spirit within.. we are always in motion, even when it seems we are not.. thus we are always exploring spirit.


note: This is a random "thought" I had a while ago, about thought, and how it is is unique to individuals.

I had an interesting 'THOUGHT" the other day..I put thought in quotations because that is what this is all about.

I was thinking about how I read people, what thought's I pick up on, or impressions. It's like how people often finish each others sentences because they are both thinking of the same words.

Well I was thinking about this Taoism thing on mind-reading I watched a while ago. The guy was basically saying how your body is like an antenna, and it affects what you pick up based on the shape it's in. Like how if your meditating in one position and you could connect with others in the same position.

Ha well anyway, I was just thinking the other day... You know when your walking towards someone, and they move one way to get out of the way, and you do the same, and you both do it like 3 times? Well when your both walking, your bodies are both shaped in the same position.. Maybe it happens when your steps are perfectly times. Ha well I thought it was amusing and interesting.

I also was thinking the other day how my thoughts really aren't my thoughts, even though they are comming from elsewhere, which I already knew. Well I had a different perception of it anyway, let me explain. I think we all, everyone, everywhere, are thinking the same thing, always. There is only one thought, not even branches of thought, just one, and its intertwined with mass amounts of information and equations and such.. Kinda like a rope of thought and its connected to all of us.

I was just thinking... It's our configuration... our own unique equation or set of codes that makes our thoughts our own. It's like the thoughts we choose to think are based on some unique equation. Its like thought x astral configuration = personal thought. And whatever gets filtered out is still there but it's more subconcious or requires a greater perception.

Well I was thinking about how people walk around like sheep and follow each other like up and down escalators and go through the same door when theres 4 others no'ones even touching. It's as if they're all thinking the same thing. As well I used to think...why is everyone taking the escalator and not the stairs? Like maybe they could use the excercise, is it force of habbit or sheer lazyness? Perhaps it's even simpler.... people are energy, and energy takes the most direct route of least resistance. I think when you see people sway from this rule it demonstrates a great deal of awareness.

Ahh I had something else to say but sitting here with my head on the table for 10 minutes I can't see to remember it.

Anyways, thats my...thought fragment for the moment..



This is something I posted on a message board, I just decided to save it and drag it over here. In the future I will be re-posting my over-all break down of my philosophies but right now I want to heavily revise the original.

Correlations between computers and the universe:

There is a consistant duality in the universe, when it comes down to it, its a matter of yes or no. A computer is doing the same thing.. 1 or 0...

You look at the computer software we have.. the games for instance..that is a series of 1's and 0's..

In programming.. randomness.. is an illusion (much like real life)... its a string of code.

Say theres a computer game... I'm writing the code... I need to create a character.. lets call the character Steve..

To program steve we need to give him variables, to make him exist. Lets say... stevehealth = 50, and steveheight= 183 or something to that degree.. Well.. the program runs these variables constantly... but say... we wanted to get rid of steve. Well.. heres the thing... Once a variable has been declared, it CANNOT be removed. (If something exists, it cannot un-exist).. We can only change the variables,.. to give the illusion that steve is removed. We'll say.. steve dies, so stevehealth = 0, and when stevehealth= 0 stevevisible = false.. so we'll say steve dissapears when he dies... BUT... its an illusion.. for the variables can easily be changed again, restored to its original form even... In fact.. with programs you can recall data from any previous state. I can go back to before steve even died... or hell.. lets just raise him from the dead... we'll make the health variable equal 50 again or something.

What I'm getting at is... once something exists, it can't unexist. We are a series of variables in an elaborate computer program.. an endless array even. All we can do is change the value of the variables, we CANNOT get rid of them once we've established they exist. Also in code we can have infinite variables, without problem.. we just have to give them a value by default so that if they are called upon, it wont conflict with the code.

Video games these days look much like real life.. the sights, the sounds, and the physics.. but when you break it down, its an elaborate pattern of 1's and 0's... yes or no.. off or on. And if we as a people.. have had computers for only a small time and yet are able to emulate existance through lines of code... imagine the endless possibilities of a universe with programming masters. What you percieve as real can be changed with a simple key-stroke.

the concept "REAL" itself, is a string of code YOU helped program.

Pi, the golden mean/ratio/ astrology/numerology/energy.. the universe is a complex mathematical design, in a nutshell. And math = truth! Its a universal language all things understand. The frequencies that make up everything..all math.

Anyways, one final note, a computer runs only as good as its hardware and its user. So how well do you think the universe runs?