This a primer to my original post that has been temporarily removed until I can revise it.
It just helps to explain where I'm comming from.
We all know biological life on this planet is made of cells. These cells are like factories, their own functional system, with a nucleus for a control center. Much like our understanding of our bodies, each part has specific functions, all controlled by the brain. Well within these molecules are DNA, blueprints for biological structure. We know that this attributes for look and function of biological life, but it doesn't really explain personality, something seperate from the reactive, instinctual surivival commands already built in your brain. There's not much use going into the details of that since mainstream science will tell you they still don't know all the answers about how DNA and your brain works. So lets ignore that for now. Lets go smaller.
Your cells are made up of molecules, a product or result of blended atoms. Adding or subtracting one atom from the mixture changes the whole effect of the molecule. And just like molecules are made of many different atoms, atoms are also made of different particles. You have your neutrons, electrons and protons, which if they were to interact with another atom, would change the atoms just as mixing atoms in a molecule would change the molecule. In quantum physics they study the nature of atoms and scientists are constantly finding new sub-atomic particles. You see where this is going? Well I guess they figure these sub-atomic particles make up the electrons and protons and such. The way they figure molecules, atoms, and particles blend and interact like this is due to the 4 universal forces they have theorised. You got gravity, the electro-magnetic force, the strong nuclear and weak nuclear. So assuming you have these 4 forces interacting inside particles, inside atoms, which make up everything in our universe. Its safe to assume that by what they're telling us, everything is affected by gravity, electro-magnetism, weak nuclear (atom degredation, the force that allows things to decay), and strong nuclear (holds things together). So basically, electricity, gravity, magnetism, radiation and all that crazy stuff has an effect on all of us. To me, this starts to make sense when all these psychics tell me the universe is made of energy and vibration. There's energy in everything, and it vibrates at a certain frequency. So now, I basically don't find it a stretch believeing that at our core, we are made of energy. But what kind of energy?
This is a diagram of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Our eyes pick up energy, but only in certain frequencies. Visible energy in the form of colour is determined by its wavelength. Anything lower we can't see, and anything higher we can't see either. That is just the limitation to our biology, but we can use technology to view such other frequencies. (infra-red can be seen with Night Vision cameras for example.)
So think about how you view reality and what the universe 'looks like', because there are things that are there, even if we don't see them. If our eyes could see all frequencies of energy, the world would probably look like a jumbled mess to us.
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