Wednesday, March 5, 2008


note: This is a random "thought" I had a while ago, about thought, and how it is is unique to individuals.

I had an interesting 'THOUGHT" the other day..I put thought in quotations because that is what this is all about.

I was thinking about how I read people, what thought's I pick up on, or impressions. It's like how people often finish each others sentences because they are both thinking of the same words.

Well I was thinking about this Taoism thing on mind-reading I watched a while ago. The guy was basically saying how your body is like an antenna, and it affects what you pick up based on the shape it's in. Like how if your meditating in one position and you could connect with others in the same position.

Ha well anyway, I was just thinking the other day... You know when your walking towards someone, and they move one way to get out of the way, and you do the same, and you both do it like 3 times? Well when your both walking, your bodies are both shaped in the same position.. Maybe it happens when your steps are perfectly times. Ha well I thought it was amusing and interesting.

I also was thinking the other day how my thoughts really aren't my thoughts, even though they are comming from elsewhere, which I already knew. Well I had a different perception of it anyway, let me explain. I think we all, everyone, everywhere, are thinking the same thing, always. There is only one thought, not even branches of thought, just one, and its intertwined with mass amounts of information and equations and such.. Kinda like a rope of thought and its connected to all of us.

I was just thinking... It's our configuration... our own unique equation or set of codes that makes our thoughts our own. It's like the thoughts we choose to think are based on some unique equation. Its like thought x astral configuration = personal thought. And whatever gets filtered out is still there but it's more subconcious or requires a greater perception.

Well I was thinking about how people walk around like sheep and follow each other like up and down escalators and go through the same door when theres 4 others no'ones even touching. It's as if they're all thinking the same thing. As well I used to think...why is everyone taking the escalator and not the stairs? Like maybe they could use the excercise, is it force of habbit or sheer lazyness? Perhaps it's even simpler.... people are energy, and energy takes the most direct route of least resistance. I think when you see people sway from this rule it demonstrates a great deal of awareness.

Ahh I had something else to say but sitting here with my head on the table for 10 minutes I can't see to remember it.

Anyways, thats my...thought fragment for the moment..

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